satay sauce recipe

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Satay sauce, a quintessential component of Southeast Asian cuisine, is a compelling blend of flavors that elevates any dish it accompanies. Originating from Indonesia, this savory and slightly sweet peanut sauce has become a beloved condiment worldwide. In this detailed recipe, we will guide you through the process of creating an authentic satay sauce that will transport your taste buds to the bustling street markets of Jakarta. Get ready to embark on a culinary adventure filled with rich, aromatic ingredients and exquisite flavors.


1 cup unsalted roasted peanuts

Three cloves garlic, minced

One shallot, finely chopped

Two tablespoons of vegetable oil

One teaspoon of ground coriander

One teaspoon of ground cumin

One teaspoon of turmeric powder

One tablespoon of tamarind paste

Two tablespoons palm sugar or brown sugar

1 cup coconut milk

Two tablespoons of soy sauce

One teaspoon of chili paste (adjust according to spice preference)

Salt to taste


Prepare the Peanuts: Start by finely grinding the roasted peanuts in a food processor until you achieve a smooth, creamy consistency. Set aside.

Sauté Aromatics: In a saucepan, heat vegetable oil over medium heat. Add minced garlic and chopped shallots, sautéing until they turn golden brown and aromatic.

Spice Infusion: Introduce ground coriander, cumin, and turmeric to the sautéed aromatics. Stir well to release the flavors, creating a fragrant spice base for the satay sauce.

Tamarind Twist: Incorporate tamarind paste into the mixture, providing a delightful tanginess to the sauce. Ensure it is evenly distributed, adding depth to the overall flavor profile.

Sweet Harmony: Add palm sugar or brown sugar to balance the flavors. Stir continuously until the sugar dissolves, creating a harmonious blend of sweetness and tang.

Creamy Coconut Magic: Pour in the coconut milk, stirring gently to combine. Allow the mixture to simmer over low heat, letting the coconut milk infuse its creamy richness into the sauce.

Umami Unveiled: Integrate soy sauce into the saucepan, enhancing the umami taste and providing a savory depth that complements the sweetness of the peanut base.

Spice it Up: For those who crave a bit of heat, add chili paste to the sauce. Adjust the quantity according to your spice tolerance, ensuring the satay sauce meets your preferred level of spiciness.

Peanut Perfection: Gradually add the ground peanuts to the sauce, stirring constantly to avoid lumps. Continue to simmer the sauce until it reaches a smooth and velvety consistency.

Season to Perfection: Taste the satay sauce and season with salt as needed. This step is crucial to achieving a well-balanced flavor, so adjust according to your personal preference.

Cool and Store: Allow the satay sauce to cool to room temperature before transferring it to a jar or airtight container. Refrigerate for at least an hour to let the flavors meld together.

Conclusion: Congratulations! You’ve successfully crafted a batch of authentic satay sauce that embodies the essence of Southeast Asian cuisine. Whether you use it as a dipping sauce for skewered meats, a dressing for salads, or a flavorful marinade, this homemade satay sauce is sure to elevate your culinary creations to new heights. Enjoy the symphony of flavors that this versatile condiment brings to your table, and savor the rich tapestry of Southeast Asian culinary tradition.

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