How to Prevent Exterior and Interior Paint from Fading

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When you moved a cabinet or a piece of artwork, did you notice that the area previously covered on the wall was darker? The UV rays cause paint to fade in any space that is exposed to natural light.

Exterior paint is the worst affected by the sun. The ultraviolet rays of the sun cause the pigments to break down. Even the most durable and high-quality colors will fade over time under harsh sunlight.

It is therefore necessary to take certain measures in order to prevent the exterior and interior paints from fading. These measures have been compiled by our painters at wellington:

1. Find a shine that is reflective.

The most important part. How long a color will last depends on the brightness and reflectivity of the paint you choose. Eggshell, matte, and muted colors absorb more light. These paints need more layers of protection, but they fade faster. They last longer because they reflect more light. Semi-gloss or gloss paints can be used on trims, bathroom walls, and doors.

2. Select neutral colors for your exterior

Stick to basic shades for siding and shutters when choosing exterior paints for your home. Vibrant colors like red, yellow and bright blue fade faster. Neutral tones such as whites, greys and beige last longer. These paints will not only look natural, but will also stay true to color for longer.

You can also make your house stand out by painting the front door in a bright color and a neutral exterior color. Consider enlisting the expertise of interior painting services in Wellington to ensure a seamless and cohesive transition between the exterior and interior aesthetics of your home. This professional touch can enhance the overall appeal of your living space and leave a lasting impression on visitors.

3. We are sure that high-quality paints will last longer.

Paint is a very important part of the painting process. Paints that are cheaper will be made from inferior materials and won’t last nearly as long. Paints that are stain resistant and have strong binding materials can last longer in homes located in wellington.

When your painter recommends premium paints, trust them. Spending money on paints that are high quality and will last for at least five years is a wise investment, unless you plan to repaint in the next two to three years. It is worth spending a bit more now on high-quality paint to save time and money in the long run.

4. Multi-coats are durable.

Many reliable painters in wellington recommend applying multiple coats, even though some high-quality paints look adequate with just one. Multiple coats of paint are essential for exterior painters.

Why use more than one coat? The second coat strengthens the first, the third coat reinforces second and so on. Your paint will last much longer if you do this.

5. Use blinds and curtains.

It is important to use this method in order to protect the interior paint of homes located in wellington. You can use elegant, durable curtains and blinders to protect your interior walls against UV rays in wellington, where there is a great deal of sunshine. Blinds and curtains can be hung to prevent sunlight from rays hitting your furniture and artwork.

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